Pozývame Ťa na septembrovú mládežnícku výmenu eRkárov a mladých z partnerskej organizácie Ateitis, ktorá sa uskutoční v Litve. Ak si aktívny člen eRka, chceš sa dozvedieť niečo nové o Litve, máš vek 18-25 rokov, hovoríš po anglicky, čítaj ďalej.
Miesto: Birštonas, Litva
Doprava: letecky
Účastnícky poplatok: závisí od ceny leteniek, platíme si 30% z cestovného, malo by to vyjsť asi 60 – 80 €
Dokedy sa prihlásiť: do 14.8.2011 (nedeľa) LAST MINUTE!!!
Prihláška a program
Ďalšie info pre záujemcov
Youth exchange called ‘Break stereotypes – change your thinking!’ is the ten days long event in Lithuania for 20 leaders of two youth organizations. There will be members of Slovakian youth organization eRko participating as well as participants from the Ateitis Federation in Lithuania. It is the second youth exchange between these two youth organizations.
This exchange is supposed to encourage the young people to elevate tolerance, solidarity in their own environment. Unfortunately, this is often hard to achieve because of being narrow-minded and because of the opinions which we retake from others without thinking analytically. These reasons create stereotypes which restrict us to be involved into voluntary work. By this exchange, we want participants to find out what and who creates stereotypes at first because only after having understood why this kind of standard thinking exists at all we will be able to fight with them. During the project we will discuss the importance of stereotypes for young people of both Slovakia and Lithuania about volunteering, religion, media, healthy lifestyle, men and women professions. In order to achieve the purposes of the exchange we will use self-developing methods such as discussions, lectures, presentations, debates, experience sharing, simulation games, film-making, excursions, interviewing local community.