Pozývame na WorldCamp 2018

Každé tri roky, FIMCAP – federácia katolíckych farských mládežníckych hnutí, pripravuje WorldCamp. Po siedmich úspešných edíciách, v roku 2018 FIMCAP bude organizovať ôsmu edíciu WorldCampu v spolupráci s Chiro Filipíny   1992     Ghana & Čile 2000     Paraguaj 2003     Filipíny 2006     DR Kongo 2009     India 2012     Paraguaj 2015     Rwanda 2018     Filipíny   Dojmy z predchádzajúcich WorldCampov…

eRko is celebrating 25 years

As you all know, this year we celebrate 25 years of eRko. We decided to celebrate this special year together by thanksgiving pilgrimage of eRko members called eRKOSICE 2015. It all started at Saturday 29th August in the metropole of the East of Slovakia – in Kosice. In the place, where our patrons – Saint…

EuroCourse 2015

eRko hosted EuroCourse this year – a very important event that is organised every year by one of the member organisation of Fimcap. It was intended for young leaders and took place in Nitra in Slovakia from 8th to 12th April 2015. Its topic was „Enjoy your freedom!“ EuroCourse attended 18 participants from 6 countries…